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On-Line A-Level Maths

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naomi24 | 18:03 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | Jobs & Education
22 Answers

Can anyone recommend an accredited organisation please? Some have names that give the impression they're affiliated to respected universities but I'm not sure they are.  Any advice would be appreciated.



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This  is one of the subjects ( along with French and how to fly a helicopter) that has to be taught in class

The problem is.... no one over  nineteen can join a secondary school class

I ended up paying - Not that satisfactory but I had done A level in class in er 1968 - and doing zillions of problems and bringing in a few knotty ones for the maths tutor

and good luck - it is worthwhile

too ill to take  up a place at Man uni 2012. Life can be a bummer

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I'd hazard a guess that things have changed significantly since 1968 - but thank you for answering. 

The maths itself is mostly centuries old but what constitutes A level these days has been dumbed down. I've seen O level questions on papers of late. We had some undergrads last year and one of the was actually doing "A level" maths, I helped him out with some of it and the questions on the practice papers were clearly O level standard in the 70s . I agree with PP though you can't do A level maths online.

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I don't think that's correct, TTT.  The Open University offers A-level maths - although I'm not sure if that's just for older people only.   I'll check it out.

we concentrate, read the answer and then we reply

I did the A level in class ( with Fatty Barratt actually) 1968 when I was 16  and  then reapplied to Manch uni - when I retired and was told to retake maff A level. Specifically an A level fifty years before was not enough

and being over nineteen when I retired etc etc.

waaaaaay over 19 - sorry I know this is AB

The obvious way is to get a maff master near you to give private lessons BUT A level maths ( = maths master available) is not offered over the whole of North Manchester ( pop around 1m)

Buen read maff somewhere - he may be able to assist

HUGE number of viddies on You tube, I have recently done Modal logic, Intro to Fluid mechanics, Computability but this is NOT the  same as a course

Writing the  exam without being afiliated to a college is another absolute nightmare. (  widespread personation)


OU do M101 - intro to maff

and then M203, 204 - ( but  that is two years) Pure and Applied Maff - which I also did ( 1985) and enjoyed

but you are looking at three years....

so it fulfills its function of the university of a second chance

Pure, Applied or a combination thereof?

Some parts of maths will be (reasonably) easy to follow on-line, others not so much.

Once the method is understood, remote practice is straightforwards - otherwise there would be no requirement for 'homework'.

I can't give any advice as to where best to access the classes but I would disagree that online learning is not suitable.

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This is not a second chance.  It isn't for an adult.

As someone who's taught A-level Maths, I can see how hard it would be to study the subject online.  However, for the most able of students at least, it shouldn't be totally impossible.

The National Extension College is a registered educational charity, partnering with (among other organisations) the Open University:

The NEC's courses include A-level Maths, with a pass rate of over 80%:

18:37 no doubt it is attempted but personally I think it's one of those subjects that needs a classroom for the penny drop moments. Maths is like no other subject you cannot just learn it by what they tell you. You have to grasp why things are what they are and have those light bulb moments.

oh, send him to  a college then - plenty around

problem solved.

Disagree with JTH - I found the  whole of the field of Analysis ( special kinda maff) incomprehensible, and needed to be taught it in class

Maths is like no other subject you cannot just learn it by what they tell you.

as fatty Barratt did 50 y ago - you do a bit of  theory, and then in class go  thro examples..... but  involve the pupils in the  lines of calculation. Then they go  home and do  a few examples by themselves and bring back the prob for  the next lesson. 

we er all agree about how it should be taught

Disagree away, PP.

You might have needed a classroom environment to learn but that doesn't mean other people would need a similar classroom to learn.


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Thanks for the encouragement, Jack -  and thanks very much for your  help, Chris.  That could be the answer.  It's my idea for a Christmas present for a young man, incredibly bright and incredibly eager.  He'll love it!



My grandkids are enrolled at Kings Inter High an online school that sit exams from Edexcel and Pearsons. Grand daughter got 5 grade 9, old A XX , 1 grade 8 old A and 1 5 old B. They also offer A levels  but I don't. know if there is an age restrictions

The advantage of Kings is that all classes are recorded and if you are ill or miss a class it is easy to make up. Grandaughter was also a "library learner" so the staff knew she would not be at school on Fridays when she was competing or on a day she was travelling to the north of Portugal

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Thanks calmck.

Why choose online sixth form with King’s InterHigh? 

As well as being an accredited Cambridge International school, where you can get a high-quality education and recognised qualifications, we also offer lots of extra support too.

Extra study support 

Drop-in clubs for subject-specialist support 

Study skills workshops 

Revision guidance during exams 

A whole network of alumni students 

Guidance for the future 

Specialised Oxbridge and medicine guidance 

Career, apprenticeship, and placement help 

Support with academic and character references 

Dedicated support with university applications

You might have needed a classroom environment to learn but that doesn't mean other people would need a similar classroom to learn.

heartily agree with that - try it and see

[ is this really a maff master who is saying " quite honestly I am not needed most of the time" ? oh]


Although she had to have her camera on during class granddaughter found on line school was easier for her to ask questions and be involved in lessons than in regular school and liked that she could always watch the video if she couldn't remember something from class

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