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A Mouse In The House

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maggie01 | 20:44 Sun 22nd Dec 2024 | Home & Garden
4 Answers

I love in a terraced house. I have an inserted gas fire with a flue that goes up into the loft. I think a mouse has come in this way as it has chewed the fire retarding material at the back. I don't use the fire so have blocked it up. Isn't likely to come back and how to get rid of it.  I don't like spring traps and I have a dog so worried about poison . 



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Get a humane mouse trap, bait it and remember to check it frequently.  If your murine friend shows up, simply relocate him/her to a more suitable location (well away from your house!): User Recommendationref=sr_1_5

surely it's a moose loose aboot the hoose....

Mice can squeeze through very limited space.  You may assume they get in via a flue, but check everywhere for gaps, especially where pipes go through the floor.

 Ground Black pepper. Lots of it in the area you think the mouse is hiding,  or you can get humane traps

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