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NVQ 3 Assignment advice

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Mowbray | 18:48 Tue 07th Mar 2006 | Technology
4 Answers


i need to write a essay about how i use Microsoft Word in everyday circumstances.

I am not sure how to get started.

I need to mention things like mail merge, copy and pasting, formatting, file management.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

thanks so much!


P.s if there are any website which can offer tips then i would appreciate the addresses too!

Thanks soooo much guys!



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Not really sure what you want to know.

I used to teach Clait so know quite a bit about word

Setting up temlates to save time, auto correct common spellings, auto enter words are these ideas any help

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Thanks for this smouse, but it's not exactly what i was asking for.

you see, i am doing an NVQ Level 3 and i need to write a Case Study giving examples of when i have used formatting, saving, creating folders etc in Word. The thing is the assignment is due in in a couple of days and i need some advise on how to get started.


guess your writing the case study in word anyway so just use a bunch of features in the document you create for the case studya nd talk about each one as its used.

for example start by saying how formatting can be used to highlight important information and bold and italicise the word formatting !

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