CV details in The AnswerBank: Jobs & Education
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CV details

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tingirl | 14:38 Mon 08th May 2006 | Jobs & Education
6 Answers
Do employers really check A' Level, O' level and GCSE grades for accuracy on CVs? Would they really be bothered to go through the hassle when my details are from over 15 years ago?
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Hi, I took my GCSEs 18 years ago. I tend to just write '10 GCSEs including Maths and English' on my CVs and application forms, and no potential employer has ever queried that - I think that when you're over the age of around 25, potential employers are more interested in experience gained through working.
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thank you for your wise words!
We require proof of all qualifications, including G.C.S.E's prior to anyone joining the business!
A lot of companies will not check minor details on 20 year old GCSEs (more would check degrees), but if it ever comes to light you could (and probably would) be dismissed.

I always ask for a copy of all qualifications prior to offering anyone a job. But would not go as far back as "O" levels or GCSE's if your had additional qualifications.

I would wish to see a copy of your "A" levels results though. I would rather someone say to me that they did not have any qualifications but had gained 15 years experiance in whatever I was employing them to do, rather than have them lie to me.

Hi, me again! Just to say that I wasn't implying that you tell porkies about your exam results - the reason I don't include my grades is that my certificates were destroyed, I haven't got around to replacing them, and I can't remember the grades! Having said that, I do have a degree, so maybe that's why I haven't been asked (ref horstache1). Sorry tingirl, guess I wasn't much help after all!!! x.

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