does anyone know of a website or paper that is aimed at students for part time work? my local paper tends just to have cleaning jobs and stuff like that but I want to be more creative, and the job paper is mainly full time, and if not, just the jobs advertised in my local... there's some websites that i've found but there never seem to be jobs available in my area. I know I seem to post on here alot but I'm just not getting anywhere. thanx, Lou x
Many colleges and unis have their own jobshops which appear as links on their own Websites. Most jobsites also have the facility to enter part-time as an option, although I must admit I have very limited success with some job websites. Try your local authority for part-time work too.
Also register with some local employment agencies. Whilst they mainly concentrate on full time vacancies, from time to time they may also get some unusual requests for part-time employees which might suit you.