Crosswords41 mins ago
Dole dossers
20 Answers
I think people on the dole should be made to claen public areas.
Why should they get money for doing nothing?!
They should clean places Mon-Fri 9-5 for their dole money. Hopefully that will humiliate them into getting a decent job.
Any1 agree??
Why should they get money for doing nothing?!
They should clean places Mon-Fri 9-5 for their dole money. Hopefully that will humiliate them into getting a decent job.
Any1 agree??
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Humiliate them? not sure that is called for.
However my local parks don't have keepers ~ I would like someone employed to get rid of the used syringes, dog poo & maybe make sure the local rough 'uns refrain from wrecking the equipment.
Cleaning the toilets wouldn't go amiss either. What does my council tax pay for?
However my local parks don't have keepers ~ I would like someone employed to get rid of the used syringes, dog poo & maybe make sure the local rough 'uns refrain from wrecking the equipment.
Cleaning the toilets wouldn't go amiss either. What does my council tax pay for?
First of all etelloc have you ever been in the position of being jobless?
I have been made made redundant 3 times and I can tell you from experience that claiming benefit is humiliating in itself. The vast majority of people on the dole want to work. I agree that there are quite a lot of people who use the system, but this is the case with all benefits and not just the dole.
I believe that Employment Agencies have too much sway anf that the Employment Service should have more say in tyhe job market. Agencies make a lot of money out of peoples misfortune.
As I said before there are a lot of people who get money for doing nothing on all sorts of benefits, so why apply it just to the jobless.
I sugest you try to see how easy it is to find work before asking questions like this.
What is next? Chain gangs of dole receivers?
I have been made made redundant 3 times and I can tell you from experience that claiming benefit is humiliating in itself. The vast majority of people on the dole want to work. I agree that there are quite a lot of people who use the system, but this is the case with all benefits and not just the dole.
I believe that Employment Agencies have too much sway anf that the Employment Service should have more say in tyhe job market. Agencies make a lot of money out of peoples misfortune.
As I said before there are a lot of people who get money for doing nothing on all sorts of benefits, so why apply it just to the jobless.
I sugest you try to see how easy it is to find work before asking questions like this.
What is next? Chain gangs of dole receivers?
As someone who has been out of work, be advised that not everyone who claims the dole is a lazy good for nothing. Many have contributed in terms of National Insurance etc when in work, and many also feel humble and worthless because they - maybe through no real fault of their own - don't have a job.
Are you referring to all people on the dole, or just the ones who could work but don't?
I find myself in the unfortunate position of being out of work, and there are plenty of jobs available if I am prepared to work for �5.25 an hour, but I cannot live on that rate. However I see that plenty of Polish people will. Would you work for that ettelloc?
I find myself in the unfortunate position of being out of work, and there are plenty of jobs available if I am prepared to work for �5.25 an hour, but I cannot live on that rate. However I see that plenty of Polish people will. Would you work for that ettelloc?
Andy ~ there are lots of people who live on that rate (and less) because they would rather do that than go on the dole & have the state pay for everything. They get 'top ups' to help, but surely this is better in the long run...?
At least you would be working and stand a chance of getting a better job, rather than turning work down?
I have worked for less, so has Mr Pippa. it looks much better on your CV than 'unemployed'.
At least you would be working and stand a chance of getting a better job, rather than turning work down?
I have worked for less, so has Mr Pippa. it looks much better on your CV than 'unemployed'.
My son's on the dole, for the first time in his life. I can assure you, he doesn't get money for doing nothing, because doing nothing isn't in his nature. He's actively looking for work during the week (and if he could get work as a street cleaner, he would), and when he's not doing that, he spends time doing odd jobs for his girlfriend's parents.
He left school at 16 and worked as a landscaper for six years, then as a warehouseman for two, doing part-time bar work at the same time. I don't see why he needs to be humiliated. He's done nothing wrong, just moved to another part of the country, that's all. He's never had so much as a parking ticket.
Moreover, there is nothing humiliating about cleaning streets. I'm told it pays well, and I have plenty of admiration for people who pick up the cr*p that other people can't be bothered to throw in the bin.
He left school at 16 and worked as a landscaper for six years, then as a warehouseman for two, doing part-time bar work at the same time. I don't see why he needs to be humiliated. He's done nothing wrong, just moved to another part of the country, that's all. He's never had so much as a parking ticket.
Moreover, there is nothing humiliating about cleaning streets. I'm told it pays well, and I have plenty of admiration for people who pick up the cr*p that other people can't be bothered to throw in the bin.
I actually agree with ettelloc - though not just cleaning. They can also be used to run errands such as shopping for the elderly, helping at refuge cetnres, charity work etc. People should be made to 'work' for dole, being excused if they are attending job interviews, libraries, colleges etc.
The only potential down side that I can see is that there will be a minority of people who refuse to work and will end up commiting criminal acts to get their money.
I have been unemployed on various occasions in my life, and quickly got a job - I do understand that there are problems with getting jobs, however, I really can't understand people like Andy Boz's attitude - I can't survive on �5.25 an hour so I'd rather be unemployed! Fine - but you won't get any benefits unless you contribute something to society.
The only potential down side that I can see is that there will be a minority of people who refuse to work and will end up commiting criminal acts to get their money.
I have been unemployed on various occasions in my life, and quickly got a job - I do understand that there are problems with getting jobs, however, I really can't understand people like Andy Boz's attitude - I can't survive on �5.25 an hour so I'd rather be unemployed! Fine - but you won't get any benefits unless you contribute something to society.
i have been off work for five months due to a throat op and i only receive SSP so if i can survive on that amount im sure Andy could live on �5.25 an hr if neccessary. Like Pippa has stated hundreds of people have worked for less than that amount. Also i have unfortunately been in the same position as electrochem
and it's not pleasant.
I take it you've never had to "sign on " in your life
and it's not pleasant.
I take it you've never had to "sign on " in your life
Thankyou for your replies folks. You all assume that I am claiming, unfortunately I'm not claiming a penny off the state, and living off my savings at present.
I know I could perhaps claim some dole, but pride stops me, and WRT the comment on top-ups, the wife works so we wouldn't get anything in the way of top ups. We are still arguing with th Working Families Tax people about 3 years ago, they seem very good at getting figures wrong.
The refernece to �5.25 an hour, I saw a job the other day for a 7.5 tonner driver, working local and nights out, at that rate. Thats supposed to be a semi skilled job, or at least a job with responsibility. Now I know that depending on which part of the country you are in rates vary, but I just wonder how many ABers would do that job for that rate.
Also my reference to Polish people, some of my neighbours are Polish, very nice lads, and a few days back one was telling me he tiled a bathroom for �25. 24 metres of tiling, probably 3 days work for �25. But then again he's probably getting rent paid by the state.....
The old adage of 'it's easier to get a job when you're in work' maybe applies, but it's much easier to check jobcentre when you are not at work.
Thanks for the replies.
I know I could perhaps claim some dole, but pride stops me, and WRT the comment on top-ups, the wife works so we wouldn't get anything in the way of top ups. We are still arguing with th Working Families Tax people about 3 years ago, they seem very good at getting figures wrong.
The refernece to �5.25 an hour, I saw a job the other day for a 7.5 tonner driver, working local and nights out, at that rate. Thats supposed to be a semi skilled job, or at least a job with responsibility. Now I know that depending on which part of the country you are in rates vary, but I just wonder how many ABers would do that job for that rate.
Also my reference to Polish people, some of my neighbours are Polish, very nice lads, and a few days back one was telling me he tiled a bathroom for �25. 24 metres of tiling, probably 3 days work for �25. But then again he's probably getting rent paid by the state.....
The old adage of 'it's easier to get a job when you're in work' maybe applies, but it's much easier to check jobcentre when you are not at work.
Thanks for the replies.
tim2969 - can you please clarify fat largely northern arses?
Please can you bolster your statement with some facts and figures?
I am northern, I do have a well paid job and I have been to university (I have a BAHons and Masters Degree). I do not have a fat arse and have had to claim JSA in the past.
I do not make board, innacurate statements such as all southerners are stuck up offensive fools, and I do not walk around in a blinkered, Daily Main mindset.
Please can you bolster your statement with some facts and figures?
I am northern, I do have a well paid job and I have been to university (I have a BAHons and Masters Degree). I do not have a fat arse and have had to claim JSA in the past.
I do not make board, innacurate statements such as all southerners are stuck up offensive fools, and I do not walk around in a blinkered, Daily Main mindset.
Certainly MSEMMA , basically although I do not advocat regional strerotyping all the types I consider to playing the system and as fearured in the Media be it on BBC 1 or in the Daily Mail do all seem to hale from the North , Newcastle Sunderland various estates in Manchester and Wolverhampton Rugby in the Midlands they all consider it is no problem to claim the dole and feel they have every right to do even if they have made few or no contributions and they are all rather obese due to inactivity. This does not mean I consider every northrern person to display these dubious talents and I am sorry if I have offended you.
Look at this for crying out loud some of these people are activly not wanting to work and don't feel thet should have to take a low paid dead job but still expect to be given �57 a week for doing ****** all or getting ****** or junked up all day it defies belief.
I was the same as you, Andy. I moved from the south up to Manchester and tried desperately to get a job. When I couldn't, I survived on my life savings.
When I decided to bite a chunk off the humble pie I went to sign on. Once was enough. I was in a queue with people dripping in gold, and others wearing work overalls caked in the mud they had been digging down at the local building site. Never again!
When I decided to bite a chunk off the humble pie I went to sign on. Once was enough. I was in a queue with people dripping in gold, and others wearing work overalls caked in the mud they had been digging down at the local building site. Never again!