Software Developer - it's great.... apart from the impossible deadlines imposed by management without an idea of what's involved. Great satisfaction though when you get something working that gives your company the edge over the competition :o) ... ideally, I'd like to be own my own software business though, hand picking the projects I work on.... though that's a bit of a pipe dream.
Fleet Manager. Get to drive all sorts of cars, its well paid. But very stressfull. looking for a change now. Looking at being a paramedic or ambulance tecnician
I am at uni studying criminology and work voluntary with people who have been victims of crime who need support done loads of training with the local council and I love it hope to do something similar when I leave uni.
For my paid part-time job I work at B&Q on the customer service desk which I hate with a passion!
Self employed database developer, well paid and loving it. Best jobs ever would be
1 Stunt co-ordinator for Songs Of Praise
2 Script writer for Whos Line Is It Anyway
3 Not forgetting mud wrestling referee
clarebear- i'd love to do a job like yours. My ideal job is to do pathology or do csi work and that was before the programme even came on the T.V. Im too old now to do that as I'd have to do loads of A levels and train to be a doctor before specialising in pathology. Maybe in my next life.
I source and distribute books and promos for a library service, and I love it. I only do it part-time, and the rest of the time I try to be a writer, only I don't earn anything for that yet.
Ideally, I would write full-time, but that's a bit of a pipe dream.
i'd love to write a bok as well but im too thick and dont have enough ideas to start one. when I think of something i realise it's already been done. I could write abou my life but there are too many of those books out and they drive me mad.
Spanner, I have to ask you this - do you live in or around Eastleigh in Southampton? the reason I ask is my sister's bloke has a mate called Spanner and I was just curious!
Doh, I am a real thicky next to you lot! I am a retail manager and it is stressful, physically tireing and very very competitive, but it is well paid so hey.
If I hadn't waited to do my degree i would have been a History Tutor in an Adult Education College, as it is I did, and so i have to get on with it. (lost heart when i lost my Mum)