Well you could ask ME to be in it!
Ok, scrap that idea. Some people are easily pleased (especially men) if there is a swimwear section. Ok, scrap that one too.
My ex-gf was a school teacher and her six formers held a fashion show where all the outfits were made from black bin liners. I doubt it was a new idea even at that time but it is amazing what creative minds can come up with, with a little imagination. If you throw in a couple of comedy sets maybe get a couple of willing male teachers, or volunteer parents in something skimpy with lots of lipstick etc. Maybe you could work the whole thing around a theme, or do a fashion show that tells a story - how fashion has changed from victorian bathing suts to skimpy 2-pieces or fashion eras from 1930s to the 2010s etc etc
I think it would be more �amazing� if you add something that people will a) remember (an outfit/a humorous moment); b) be impressed (creative ideas); c) laugh at and enjoy (all of the above).
Be creative, good luck.