The cost of a 4 year degree in the U.S. can range upward to perhaps $60,000 per year or more at the major, name brand Universities... especially the Ivy League schools and others. However, smaller, perfectly acceptable and well qualified schools can provide the same education for under $5,000 per year. These are located in smaller towns and are State supported schools. Especially, here in the western U.S., the Land Grant Act (the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890) provided funding to at least one school in each state. Many of the schools offer post graduate degrees, and many offer degrees in law and medicine. They are usually somewhat easier to get into, as well. Most western states have Junior Colleges , which offer 2 year or Associate Degrees and are often used by students to help them prepare for more the more difficult courses. These can provide education for as little as perhaps $3,000 per year. I have many friends that have done well with degrees from such institutions (my own education in Geology was at such a school, which has become one of the most respected schools of geology in the nation)...