Could anyone please tell me the number of weeks worked by a Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, Teacher and a Teaching Assistant. It is for a piece of college course work.
Are you asking about the number of contracted hours or the number they actually work?
Teaching Assistants in my LA work term-time only with a FTE of 32.5 hours per week but they get paid full year (ie 52 weeks). This differs from authority to authority
A Headteacher will tell you they work every hour god sends!
All of the above work term time only which is like others have said 195 days in England - 5 days being PD/Baker Days. However, Teaching/Classroom assistants are not paid for PD days and if they are asked to attend they normally are paid additional hours.
All posts are paid pro-rota so their pay is spread over 52.14 weeks of the year.