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Anyone else feel they missed out?

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Jeffju | 13:48 Mon 13th Aug 2007 | Jobs & Education
9 Answers
When I left school, Universities seemed only for the 'few'. I went straight into a job and down a career path that I now hate.

It is too late to change dramatically now (they say its never to old - but it is) and I can't afford to, does anyone else feel they let themselves down and wish they had tried a bit more.

On the other hand there were not the courses available that Universities offer nowadays. I would love to go back and start again!!!!


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Jeffju, if you want to go back and try again, you should-you must take all the chances you can otherwise you might regret not taking them.
You might be able to get funding for a course or a loan for career development. This might give you inspiration : urcareer/jobprofiles/. You should think hard about what type of career you wish to pursue before you undertake any courses. There are lots of people who feel they let themselves down-I know what it feels like.A way to overcome those feelings might be to change what you do in the future, and not dwell on the past or what might have been. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.
You can't change the past. You can change the future. Why should you think you're too old to change? If you're under, ooh, say 90, you can do it - if you really want.
I was thinking about this the other day... I did go to uni but I do think if I had my time over again I might have studied something vaguely useful as opposed to what I did!

You are limiting yourself by saying you're too old though I do agree that money will be an issue. Have you thought about open university courses?
I know what you mean jeffju, i'm 24, stuck in a crappy customer service job. i'd love to go back to college etc but I am a single mother and there is no way i could afford to go back. Unfortunately rent and council tax need to be paid first!
Same here China Doll, I did an academic degree which didn't qualify me for anything in particular and I am going back to study for a vocational quali to train me for a career I think I will really enjoy. I think a lot of us feel a little let down in ourselves but the way to look at is as jno re-emphasised, is to focus on the future and try to be more proactive. I find it disheartening that so many people would love to study for a university course but feel they cannot because of lack of funds. It is very depressing.
What do you feel you missed out on, the qualification or the experience? The experience you have missed out on but you can always get the qualification. As China Doll says there's always the OU. Almost all of my friends went to University and hardly any of them use their qualification now, most are stay-at-home mums. If you start studying a little bit later on then you will do better than if you were studying full time a few years back as you aren't a kid anymore and you will make a real effort to work hard.

Meg is right. Mature students do usually do so much better. And I've asked on here about open university courses before and what employers actually think of them as I believe they used to have some stigma attached to them but apparently that's no longer a problem either.

boojp I would love to go back to uni and do something useful but the money side of it stops me everytime. I just don't think I can go back to being a full time student. I loved the degree I did (English) but frankly, I really could have thought about my subject a little harder!
I didn't go to University because I so hated school I left at 16. However I enjoyed and still enjoy learning. I am currently doing an OU course which most of the time I love (apart from today as I am finding this particular assignment difficult). Yes there is some cost but when working full time its easier to pay for than going full time. By way not sure how old is too old, but my mother did a Msc and passed aged 60 and never regretted doing it.
I'm nearly 40 and in my third year of uni - my family have all been really supportive and hubby has been great and his money is paying all the bills which allowed me to go to uni.

of course now he has decided that he wants to retrain as a teacher when i finish lol

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