I've read through the whole thread and would like to add a few points to try to clarify.
Negative numbers do not need to be considered as abstract - you are correct in thinking about it in terms of debt or the other suggestion of being temperature related.
(I would forget about the root of negative one - this is a whole different area of maths which is pretty abstract, especially if maths is not your thing!)
I guess you are happy with the idea of multiplication being repeated addition... so if I give you �5 three times, that is +5+5+5 or 5x3, making �15.
If I take �5 from you three times, then it is -5-5-5 or -5x3, making -�15.
If you then consider that you owe someone �5, it can be considered to be -�5.
If I takeaway that debt, I takeaway your negative amount, which is increasing your money. So if I - -�5 that is like +�5.
If you owe two people �5 and I takeaway your debt, then I
- -5 and - - 5, which will 'gain' you �10.
You could link this back to the earlier multiplications and see it as -5 x -2, the result of this being a gain of �10, so +10. You don't have �10, but you no longer owe �10.
So if you have two overdrafts of �100 each and the bank TAKES AWAY both of these debts, they do -100 x -2, making you �200 better off. You don't have �200, but that is the increase in your monetary situation, each account will have a balance of 0.
Not sure whether this will help, but as a maths teacher I thought it was worth a try!!