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Paramedic Application

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Sweetie77 | 22:35 Tue 27th May 2008 | Jobs & Education
3 Answers
I am applying for a role as a student paramedic (3 year on the job training)

I received the application form and the part for "why do you want this role and why are you suitable" is one A4 page with a note that up to 6 pages can be added!!

I really want this role as I want to find a more rewarding job then the 9 - 5 desk jobs I have been doing for the last 12 years. However I am worried about even getting past the application stage as I don't really have any relevant experience to make me stand out

Anybody got any ideas or tips for applying for this type of role? My background is Sales and Administration


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the role of the paramedic is more than just treating and then moving on - the experience for the crew and the patient can and often does hinge on how the crew talks and handles the patient... you can sell your ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of people as being highly useful with a development of this.

You can also make sure they know that you have been working in administration - where accuracy and responsibility are valued - this can have a cross over benefit when it comes to the boring but very important paperwork you will need to complete.

Possibly mention that within your job you have had to control the info you discuss regarding the sales, business etc. thus allowing you to mention your understanding of the role of patient confidentiality

obviously if you have any medical or driving training then this can be mentioned (bearing in mind that having the C1 on your driving license is a bonus these days as it doesn't come as standard when you pass your test anymore - think that stopped in 1997 and if you need to do it yourself cost approx 800 pounds).

also mention that you are physically fit (hopefully you are as the job is not for you if not) and think about taking up some sort of sport or activity to put down - it will also help whne you get the job and help prevent injury)
Iggy - That was one of the BEST answers I have encountered on here !

Only yourself that can answer these kind of questions. Obviously, this kind of a role is very different to that off what you've been used to. Learndirect is very good, given them a call and they will give you all the help and guidance you require.

Are you not training first as a Trainee Emergency Medical Technician? Usually direct Paramedic training usually requires you to hold or be studying for the Paradmedic Science Degree?


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