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CV advice - easy question

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AutomaticGal | 19:46 Tue 17th Jun 2008 | Jobs & Education
11 Answers
Should i put a picture of myself in my CV or shouldn't I??

i have read that it is good tho as the emplyer can see who they are dealing with

but is it really needed? does it improve my chances of getting a job?


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Legally employers should not be judging you on your appearance, but on your qualifications and any experience. That said if you are applying for a post where you feel looks are important and you are gobsmackingly gorgeous, why not??
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lol.. i just need a summer job. i have 5 months totally free and so why not earn some money.....
Have you thought of bar work. The money is very good. My son and his girlfriend did it and earned a fortune You don't say how old you are?
I work in HR at our local hospital and people only ever get to interview on qualifications/experience. Students are employed on 'the bank' during the holidays to cover people like me who only work term time! If you are interested contact the HR department at your local hospital (you don't need any experience - just a willingness to work). Good luck.
if you a tidy in appearance ,,,, theos may assist when attending interview ,,,,, only put ypur pic if employers on application , forms , offer this option ,,,,,
Some companies do ask for a passport size photograph with applications.

For work such as promotion I would include one, but just as a test why not get 8 pictures taken of yourself in a photobooth, looking your best, and attach them to each CV you send out.

I don't think anyone will dismiss your application because you have attached a photo.

I would certainly look twice if a girl posted her CV to me with her photo on it, as we run fashion outlets and want attractive staff !

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im 18, got a-levels doing a comp sci degree in uni. need a full time temporary job that does not involve catering.... anyone got anything????
NNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!! I hate it when people put a photo on their CV - professional recruiters will not judge on appearance and I used to invariably find something to take the **** out of on CV photos with my colleagues. Absolutely no need for it and can make you appear big headed (as though your appearance will help you land a job). I should add though, this is only a personal opinion!!
Thats if your ugly Sasha !.

If your pretty then why not ?
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Certainly not, it is not even a requirement to put your age on a CV, although people most do.

Unless the employer has requested you send a photo then I wouldn't bother. Afterall an employer is only interested in whether you can do the job to which you've applied and that cannot be told by the way you look.

Good luck!

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