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Sick pay

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Scarlett | 11:24 Tue 26th Aug 2008 | Jobs & Education
3 Answers
I work for a college on a permanent fractional contract. This year (Sept 08-09) I had planned to take a year out to do a course. I was still technically employed by the college but they gave me a sabbatical. Hence, my hours have been allocated elsewhere. Now I am too ill to go. But I don't know whether I am entitled to sick pay from my job or not, since I am supposedly not working for them this year. It's complex I know- any ideas?


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You need to look at the letter that they have (presumably) sent you regarding the terms of your sabbatical. What an employer would normally do is to suspend the employment contract from the period September 08 for the 12 months, such that you have the right to return under the same terms but you are not employed for that period. That means no pay, no pension accrual and certainly no sick pay, (and no need for you to work).
If you now wish to amend this arrangement you will have to approach the employer and ask.
You may get a sympathetic hearing, but if they have recruited a stop-gap already and since you appear to be saying you wish to rejoin the payroll but then be long-term sick, I know what I'd say.
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Thanks. I get what you mean! I don't have a letter from them regarding my sabbatical- nothing was put in writing.
Well then, it's a bit cheeky, but you could ring them up now and tell them you have had a change of plan and you intend to report for work in September. Because nothing has been agreed in writing that puts you on a sabbatical.

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