need to borrow money asap can you help
Hello there,thanks for your time this is not a sob story or hard luck story,it is a request for advice and help.My wife has rencently come clean over debts that she has occured over the last six months due to a durg habit that she has had.She is not a bitch or tramp she is the lady that I married and I will stick by her.Her fall from grace started about six months ago when her mum and dad died suddenly in a car crash,as they say here in England "she lost the plot for a while".She is clean now and back to normal every day life,but the debt she has built up is in the region of �18500,and the people she borrow it off want their money and are begining to get threating towards her.I thought not a pomblem ,borrow from the normal lenders but for some reasons unknow tome I cannot get cerdit,never had any cerdit refused in the past.I am looking for people who know or who are themselves Lo..Sha..s who can loan me the money,in return they will double their money in a agreed period say 30 months!.The paying back won't be a issue as after normal everyday bills etc I have about �550 spare per month.,so could easily pay back say �300 a monthBefore anyone replys back with the advice of paying back so much a month,I have tried this line of attack ..No Go!. I have tried Banks,Family and friends all cannot help. I am a 40 year old family man and good for the loan and with a share payout of roughly about �7500 next November coming to me the money would not be a issue, the issue is I need it now I would really appreciate genuie and sensible replys to this question please.I live in Carshalton ,Surrey,England and you can get hold of me on my E-Mail