I have just been informed I have now to open my shop by myself in the morning, every morning and I will have to work alone for two hous untill the second member of staff comes in. Is this legal? How does this work if I have an accident in the shop?
General guidance from the Health and Safety Executive in this leaflet. http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg73.pdf
There is no particular legislation to limit lone working. The principle of the employer undertaking a risk assessment of the job and premises still applies.
Ask your manager to undertake a new risk assessment if the situation has just arisedn and then to discuss the outcome / conclusions with you.
I used to do this and i was really nervous at first
But its ok, just make sure you have plently of change and managers phone number to hand - these were my downfalls. If you have a major problem close the shop till its sorted out.
On the plus side theres no one looking over your shoulder nd you can do what you like (if there'e no cctv)!