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Returning to UK - can he sign on?

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Narolines | 11:31 Sun 15th Mar 2009 | Jobs & Education
3 Answers
Hi all
This is a question on behalf of a friend of mine who has been living outside the UK for about 5 years and is considering returning later this year. He hasn't been paying any NICs while he's been away; anyone know what his benefit entitlement, if any, would be likely to be?


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has he still got a British passport?
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Thanks for those links - it looks as if his wife and I are both right in thinking that he might be in for a disappointment! Yes, he does still have a British passport and family in the UK.

He's decided now to come back for a week to test the job market - don't like his chances! - and he should be able to find out more then.


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Returning to UK - can he sign on?

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