Tax question in The AnswerBank: Jobs & Education
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Tax question

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CheekyChops | 22:59 Fri 10th Apr 2009 | Jobs & Education
3 Answers
I wasn't sure whether this should be here or in Business and Finance but never mind...

Until recently I had 2 jobs, a full-time 9-5 office job and a 12 hour evening and weekend 2nd job. My tax allowance was used on my main job and I paid BR tax on the whole of my 2nd job earnings.

I was made redundant from my main job and 31st March was my last day, therefore I don't think that I should be paying tax on my 2nd job now as it has become my only job.

How do I get it changed? My boss says that I need to ring the tax office, is this correct? I can't give him my P45 from my (old) main job as I had to give this to the Job Centre when I went to register a claim for JSA.

I have been taxed this week, will I be able to claim it back?

Cheers x
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Just ring the tax office. That's what they are there for.
If you are overpaying tax now you will get it back at some stage soon.
Are you sure you had to give all your P45 to the Job centre, not just some of the pages.
Can you claim JSA even though you are still working 12 hours a week?
Hi there,

It may be worthwhile completing a form P46 for your 2nd job now whilst the tax office sort out what tax you should be paying.

If you tick option B which states it is your only or main job then it should stop you being on BR and put you on an allowance code but on a month by month basis.

Then you won't be paying as much tax if any.
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Yes I can claim JSA, I am allowed to work upt0 16 hours per week. Any money I earn gets knocked off my benefits though so I only get about �6 per week although they will pay my NI and sign my mortgage insurance form!

And yes, the bloke at he Job Centre kept the bottom two copies of my P45 and gave me the top (employee) copy back.

I will give the tax office a ring on Tuesday, I know I will get any overpaid tax back but at the moment I shouldn't be paying any, I am only earning c�3500 pa.

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