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14 year old needs short tearm job

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katiiehh | 20:02 Sat 08th Aug 2009 | Jobs & Education
30 Answers
right im 14 and relly need a job
im good at most things and a quick learner
but i only want a short tearm job as i just need a little bit of money quick to pay for a porfolio (i model)
but i would consider a long tearm job
any ideas


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sod paying that for pictures all you need is a photo album. �4 wilkinsons :)
I will attempt not to look at this post anymore and wish you good luck...............I cannot believe this is the level of the spelling/grammar of a 14 year old.......
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i never thaut of shops thankz for the idea
i think with a lot of shops u have to be 16 though. unless u have any small shops that would pay cash in hand
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mmmm i think there is one near me but it always looks empty so i dont think it would need anyone
paper round would be best for u i think and its not that hard either !
Try reading this, these are people who know what they are talking about.

Ask people you know who have jobs, see if their companies need a little help, but they may not take you on as you are only 14.
good for you looking for a job not many kids your age can be bothered, they just sponge of their parents, good luck in finding one and good luck with the modelling!
Just a word to those promoting paper rounds - the going rate is �1/day, and some shops say if you fail one turnout in the week you lose the weeks wages!
Better money babysitting if you're responsible and can see past your hair straighteners........
Our paper shop pays more than that, but of course, it also depends on whether you do a morning and evening round.

The modelling - here's a tip for you hun. Sign up with a modelling agency, and you'll probably get your portfolio done for nothing.

Whereabouts in the UK are you?

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14 year old needs short tearm job

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