Hi Jo: Put your own story down on paper & take a copy to Jobcentreplus seeking advice. Not all Civil Servants are ogres, y'know - some of us even have a sense of humour, decency & honesty. Whatever you say to your employer, do so in writing (retaing copies) - means no misunderstanding re: words or context.
Constructive Dismissal threats no longer have the bite they once had. They can now be expensive routes to follow &, if done via. legal aid route, it's a very long, drawn out process which the employer can stretch out and obstruct, playing a waiting game. More effective today is the individual throwing the Human Rights Act around (contrast child molesters in their cells watching their 36" plasmas!). If you can introduce a "Big-Brother" scenario into things, it can only help, believe me.
Check out Ministry of Justice @:
(My cheque's in the post!!).