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revision whilst listening to music

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mollykins | 14:08 Fri 04th Jun 2010 | Jobs & Education
6 Answers
i thought listening to music with no words was best but i'm doing best at these revision exercises whislt listening to music i can sing a long to. Is that an extra in intra vert? or soemthing . . . .


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You have Van Gogh's ear for music molly......
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you'd have got a groan if that was in the jokes section.

have i ever told you how your avatar is kind of creepy?
If you think my Avatar is creepy molly you want to see me on a bad day ! Frightening :-)
Looks like a still clip from the movie V for Vendetta, to me.
-- answer removed --
If feel that revising whilst singing along to something is what helps you best, then go for it. Doesn't mean you're introvert, extrovert or anything else for that matter.

Some say Mozart is good to study to, but it drives me round the flippin' bend. If I study to music then it has to be Big Band or Jazz. I study best from the settee with something like snooker, tennis or racing on the telly.

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revision whilst listening to music

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