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I've left school . . . .

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mollykins | 11:06 Mon 28th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
41 Answers
. . . .I finished my last exam and now i've left school, don't have to wear school uniform anymore, and have two and a half months to find something do in.

I'm bringing a glok home to learn so I can get my badge, hopefully do some babysitting or get another job, going offshore with cadets and doing a first aid course.


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Is that the same as a gonk?
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glockenspeil, sorry. xx molly
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I'm curious 'Glok'!
What badge do you get for glok playing Mollie?
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It's black, with a red embroided picture of a glockenspeil, I've tried finding it before but i've got more time now, so i'll have another hunt on google.
Is that for cadets?
Congratulations on finishing your exams Molly - I am sure you did well. You will miss your school days before you know it!

But for now enjoy the prospect of not having much to do =)
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aha, if you click on this link

and scroll down the the botton, it's called the musician badge and its on the penultimate row.

If you're intrested, form that page I have now got power level two, sailing, seamanship, communications, competant crew, and nearly campcraft basic.
pmsl......only molly would bring a glok home for the holidays.....
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Mick, I know I emntioned doing more comptempory music but I meant proper songs, not that drivel.
I for a moment thought she meant a Glock - I was wondering what on earth they are teaching at school these days!
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Craft, there's not much else to do in the holidays, other people are taking either glocks, bugels or drums home and three, I need the points to become a leading cadet, plus at the moment my right fore arm is naked of badges (badges have to go in certain places and I haven't got any proficiencies yet, but soon i'll have the camping and musician badge there.)
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Oh and I'm as qualified as people with the diving badge but because i didn't do it with cadets, I don't get the badge, but I do have the points for having that skill.
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Ahhh, left school eh? Welcome to the real world now- it sucks.
Good for you Molly, enjoy your holidays, and good luck with your musician badge.

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I've left school . . . .

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