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Working for a friend

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sallycroc | 18:40 Mon 12th Jul 2010 | Jobs & Education
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I've been working as a publicist for a friend... he is an up and coming presenter.

It started out - as we'll see how it goes....

and it worked out - I got him in press, etc

It's almost been a year and I briefly mentioned getting something everytime I get him in magazine, newspaper etc

Anyway I asked him what he thought and he said he thinks its best we just stick to the usual...

He does buy me gifts and theatre tickets...and I am grateful. However I'd like something more professional.

I want to say to him I've been doing it for a year, etc etc and want to now start receiving commission.

However I don't want him to get offended or upset because I am grateful for the treats etc although I do feel the time has come for something like commission.

I'd love some tips on how to write this, thoughts, etc

Thanks x


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I don't think that's unreasonable at all. You have an informal business arrangement, if he wants you to continue, then it's time to put it on a more formal footing. You make the introductions, he gives you a percentage of his fee. "Sticking to the usual" sounds like an easy way out for him, but he can put your fee down as a legitimate business expense on his tax return. Treats are not pay - but do bear in mind that if you have a business arrangement, the income you make from it will have to be declared yourself to the taxman, whereas at the moment, your gifts etc are probably not.

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