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Questions to ask at interview

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evedawn | 19:35 Mon 26th Jul 2010 | Jobs & Education
96 Answers
i've got an interview tomorrow. I've had two others failry recently and get stumped when they say st the end of the intervie'd like to ask" ...i mean the last two interviews the interviewers have very succinctly conveyed the job i'm not left needing to ask a question...but any hints of "good " questions to ask would be helpful.

also - you know when they ask you to mention any "negatives or faults" one might have....I generaly say that if there is a fault it's that I tend to take ownership of too many things and have difficulty delegating as I believe if I want a job done i tend to do it myself....which is true...but any other hints at a "negative which I can turn into a positive" would be helpful.


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Alot of people have told me to take the question in and pause before each answer, I tend to ramble on

"Where do you want to be in 5 years time?"

Words to avoid in your reply:




"trust fund"

"pole dancer"

"new identity"

"better offer"

Question Author
hmmmm - addy that's a good one. The last two interviews I did (where I got shortlisted down to the last two on both but was "pipped at the post" I did ask for feedback but only when they rang to kindly advise that I didn't get the job. The feedback helped but it is a good idea to ask it at the closure of interview ....thanks

"your boss"

Question Author
hmmm forgetmenot I know what you mean about rambling on. When there is a silence / pause in an interview i feel compelled to fill it with ....with rambling. I must not do that ay!
In answer to your question about writing the questions down? It shows you have thought about the interview beforehand and prepared.

It helps you focus at the end, you can check down your list and say, "You've answered this, that and the other, aah one question I did want to ask was xyz"

To the interviewer it shows you came aling wanting to actively participate in the process rather than just sit and answer questions.
laying in a bed of celery
I was asked the where do you see yourself in 5 years time and so I answered and they said not within the company what are your ambitions outside of work?, whats your dream? I was stumped.
You too, 4get ... ?

I thought it was just me with the bed of celery thing !!
Okay, I last went for a job interview ... err ... over 20 years ago.

So just ignore me (you probably were already!!)
I'll try and make this my last post (can't promise though). Don't be afraid to be light hearted, a smile goes a long way to putting you and them at ease?

I interviewed a girl once and asked her at the end (in housekeeping q's-do you have garage etc type stuff), What do you like to do in your spare time, what makes you happy.
I nearly choked laughing when she shot back "Vodka" with a cheeky grin!
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oh joggerjayne - you are making me laugh though - which kinda relieves any worry i have re tomorrow
see I get scared off saying socialising in case they think you're on the p!ss every night.
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i'm enjoying your advice addy...and yes it's good to be reminded that the interviewers aren't scary ...just real people with (hopefully) a sensse of humour ay
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getting ready to log off in a bit but wanted to say thanks to all of you....and keep the answers coming...i will log onto AB tomorrow to have a read....night all
evedawn ... you'll be fab ... !!

They would be mad not to offer you the job ...

... at a better salary than they actually had in mind.

If you get stumped ... just think of me and 4get, flapping around on a bed of celery ...

... it will make you smile, and give you time to think ...

... which will make you appear both cheerful, AND thoughtful !!

The job is yours !!!


Go for it ... FORÇA evedawn !!!
some are some arent. Same with people in life really. You have to start chatting to see if they will take a bit of humour. So come on then eve 'where do you see yourself in 5 years time?'
I know what you mean 4getmenot, but as well as wanting to know if you can do the job, they want to know whether you will fit in with the team dynamics?
We always say to interveiwees at the start of the interview, we want to see can you do thejob, are we the right company for you, and can we see you standing at the bar at a sales meeting interacting with everyone, as well as where you might be in two years.

We put a lot of effort into making our interviews a pleasant experience.

Oh well I suppose the cats out the bag now, you just knew I had to be in sales eh PMSL!
How would you sell a stick of celery?
4get ...

In 5 years time, evedawn will have retired to the Caribbean, with a trust fund, and be the honorary boss of the interviewer tomorrow ...

... and will be sipping a Pina Colada on a bed of ... ... ... ... ... celery !!!

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