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Are university graduates are taken as seriously as they once were?

Universities will be paid ?1000 to on D-grade students in a bid to meet university expansion targets. Bearing this new scheme in mind do you think university graduates are taken as seriously as they once were?

Results ★

No, people can go to university to study silly subjects nowadays, it takes very few qualifications to get in, some even see it as three years of partying.
It depends, certain degrees can hardly warrant seriousness from potential employers, but there are standards that have to be met to enter university and this should always be remembered.
Yes, university graduates are still taken seriously, university is much more accessible than it used to be that's all

Universities will be paid �1000 to on D-grade students in a bid to meet university expansion targets. Bearing this new scheme in mind do you think university graduates are taken as seriously as they once were?

Total: 609
A.No, people can go to university to study silly subjects nowadays, it takes very few qualifications to get in, some even see it as three years of partying.54.35 %331
B.It depends, certain degrees can hardly warrant seriousness from potential employers, but there are standards that have to be met to enter university and this should always be remembered. 33.66 %205
C.Yes, university graduates are still taken seriously, university is much more accessible than it used to be that's all11.99 %73
Stats until: 01:27 Sun 22nd Dec 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)