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I need to know what the legal rights are in regards to a shared driveway being classed as a public place under scots law - is this correct or is a private propery - both houses are privately owned
In my contract it states that i am entitled to a 30 minute unpaid meal break. It also states that on occasions it may be necessary to suspend the taking of breaks in the event of unusual and...
My husband and I have separated 6 months ago and I have tied to stay amicable, he doesn't want divorce or sell the house. He has been living with someone else and lying to me. we agreed that I would...
My husband and I have separated 6 months ago and I have tied to stay amicable, he doesn't want divorce or sell the house. He has been living with someone else and lying to me. we agreed that I would...
What is the likely punishment for a mother who has knowingly allowed her 21 year old son to grow cannabis in her house? What is the likely punishment for someone who has grown, used and sold cannabis?...
Hello I have two 7 and 5 left my ex husband in August after years of domestic violence Moved to a new house, I allowed him to have our girls at the weekends until October when he came to my property...
my ex wife works part-time andher new husband full time. if both of my childrenwith my exwife come to live with me. will the amount of maintenance she pays be based on both of their earnings jointly...
I moved into rented accommodation one month ago today and I am still chasing the letting agency for the inventory of the property which they supposedly took before I moved in. I paid 92 pounds for it...
i managed a pub as a holding for three months my contract was terminated over the phone is this lawful.The reason i was given was ?6000 of stock missing nobody in the company will speak to me so i...
i was charged with common assault after grabbing someones arms to get their attention, but left red marks on either arm. i had a conviction some 20 years ago but have never been in trouble since. the...
My boyfriend recently insured a van for 3 days to help my sister move house, he was on his way to the local tip when he was pulled over and asked to show his insurnace details when he shown the police...
My neighbour is the named owner to a boundary stock fence to my feild and is in need or replacement as it isnt stock proof, if my stock gets into his field is it for me to make the fence good or is it...
I have signed a Deed of Settlement at the end. There are handwritten clauses on ealier pages which were not initialled or countersigned. I am unsure whether they were there when I signed. Are these...
I have signed a Deed of Settlement at the end. There are handwritten clauses on ealier pages which were not initialled or countersigned. I am unsure whether they were there when I signed. Are these...
I am trying to write a book about my life which involves a court case, and i am trying to find the court transcripts from the trial & the newspaper articles about them, however i am coming up against...
Hey, Does anyone know of any laws/ regulations or something that specifies how high or secure a fencing has to be around a business or if it needs barbed wire or the metal forked fencing thing please....