Disclaimer: All Answers found here should not be taken in the stead of legal advice from a solicitor.
Please refrain from being rude, abusive or judgemental - members come here for advice, not judgement! Members who offer only moral judgement will be suspended.
Since her accident my has sister received income support benefit. She is soon due to receive an inheritance of approximately 20k. Does she have to declare this to the benefit office and will it effect...
Now this is the thing. Because I failed to look in the service book at the 10k service I missed the fact that the didn't stamp it (not so unusual I hear you say) as like many I suspect I had always...
Now this is the thing. Because I failed to look in the service book at the 10k service I missed the fact that the didn't stamp it (not so unusual I hear you say) as like many I suspect I had always...
Hi All. I've got lease hire Jag. XKR which is about 11 months old (I've had it from new if that helps) and at around 10000 miles I had it serviced, Which could have been just about anywhere and I'm...
Hi All. I've got lease hire Jag. XKR which is about 11 months old (I've had it from new if that helps) and at around 10000 miles I had it serviced, Which could have been just about anywhere and I'm...
Last year on the advice from Trading Standards I took an Electrical Suppliers to court over a faulty TV, I had to use the suppliers as it was an insurance claim and rather than the insurers issue me...
hi i was living with ex partner 20 years ,we have two children 17 and 20. my ex left after years of adultry on her side , she never worked or contributed towards morgage household bills or anything i...
Hi can anyone give me some guidance please I have had to represent myself in a custody battle for my daughter due to running out of funds there has been some major relevant evidence that needs to be...
I have owned my terraced property for nearly 10 years (October). The street is unadopted and we are responsible or the 10 feet infront of the houses. Across the pathway there are gardens. We do not...
I have owned my terraced property for nearly 10 years (October). The street is unadopted and we are responsible or the 10 feet infront of the houses. Across the pathway there are gardens. We do not...
filed for a divorce 4 months ago and i have not even seen a decree nasi yet, my solictor does not respond to my phone calls or any messages i leave him to update me. he says he is to busy with other...
filed for a divorce 4 months ago and i have not even seen a decree nasi yet, my solictor does not respond to my phone calls or any messages i leave him to update me. he says he is to busy with other...
What is the legal age to travel abroad? I will be travelling by train from the UK to Spain and stopping in a hotel for 1 week. I Will be 16 at the time.
Before we were married my husband occured big financial debt and is now undertaking a debt management plan but of course now we are married the company wants my small loan to be included but i have no...
I am having a dispute with an online store regarding illegal use of my card and would like your advice. To cut a long story short, a website produced a manual (hard copy) for sale for ?39.99, when I...
My partner has been divorced for approx 12 months now and they completed their application personally without solicitors. They mutually agreed that he would not claim half the value of their shared...
I recently purchased a CD on a certain auction site. When the item arrived we played a couple of tracks and to our disappointment it was not audible. The music was bottleneck blues which has been...