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Thanks again, I am aware she had no legal rights, however she co-owned the house and the mortgage passed to her, he died intestate and I, as eldest, was named as next of kin, dealing with the death certificate etc. At that time, she was amicable and "got" our agreement to bury him under false pretences i.e it would be our family grave, the policy paid for it etc and with all else that was going on we saw no reason to be awkward, she was grieving too, we all agreed he be buried and the estate would have right to the grave. Behind our back she named herself as owner of the grave, paying with the proceeds of the death policy that she was named administrator for. Since then the situation has deteriorated, that Vicar is aware of the situation but as she has kindly "donated" to the Church the remainder of the death policy it seems case closed, no further discussion and the Vicar is adamant we, as a family of two chidren, my father's mother and two sisters, have no case to present and should like it or lump it. Little wonder the Church in question has less than twenty attendees come any given Sunday these days. In brief, the grave has bveen hijacked but surely my name cannot be inscribed without authorisation?