Back on the case again.
I can't comment on court proceedings - that's more Fred's department. I can really only comment on land law related to boundaries.
If you have a title deed that incorporates a 1925 OS map to show the extent of the land ownership, it generally shows a line, often in red, to show the legal boundary.
If there is a fixed physical feature on the ground that can be identified that corresponds with a feature on the map, then it is possible to align the legal boundary to the physical boundary - a field boundary, for example, can be traced to evidence of a slightly raised bank of the old hedge-line or evidence of ancient stumps.
Often there isn't any feature left on the ground.
What are you trying to do here? - get a judge to fix a boundary dispute, presumably? What is the width of the difference between your claim and the other litigant's claimed position, on the ground.