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Thank you for all the responses. I didn't get much sleep last night, because I was really worried about this. Wish I had blimmin read the other replies now, as it would have made me feel much better about the situation!
Still haven't heard anything back from the solicitors, but I intend to call them at 9 o'clock.
There was a lot more to the above, but I couldn't possibly list it all. What I should have included, though, was that one of the clauses was regarding the restrictive covenant that I had/have in place. This means I cannot approach any previous clients, or anyone I had dealings with during my time at this company, for six months.
I am not stupid, though, and I am fully aware of how the covenant works. I had one in place when I went to them, and didn't breach that! It just seems to me that they are just bitter that I left, but to be honest, the way the company was going, I wanted to leave before things went tits up and I found myself out of a job. I think they were holding onto me until my previous restrictive covenant was up (I had a month to go) and I could transfer all my old business and clients into their company. I got out just before it was up, and have now transferred these people into the company I am now working for. This is where I think all this has come from. Nothing short of good old fashioned bitterness. I hope that makes sense and, hopefully, will explain the situation a bit better.
With regards to the answers I've received and what I'm going to do now, I am going to contact the solicitors at 9 o'clock and ask them for a copy of the "evidence" that they must surely have with regards to this accusation.
I will then write them a letter, and explain that I did not access their database four days after I left the company and, even if I wanted to, it would have been impossible for me to do so as my login had been shut down.
I could do without this right now, and it has put a bit of a dampner on things.
Thanks again.
Oh, one more thing, should I also send a copy of my letter to the company in question, or should I just deal with the solicitors now?