It would be perjury, Eddie, not contempt of court.
An important aspect of libel is that the written material has to firstly be untrue. If your husband does have a bald head, piercings, tattoos and is tall and big there is nothing libelous in anyone stating these. The second thing is that you would have to prove that a material loss or loss of reputation has followed on from the alleged libel. But thirdly, in just about every court case of this kind that goes to trial there are always two versions of events. If everybody who gave evidence for the losing side was charged with perjury or was sued for libel there would be precious little room left in any courtroom in the land.
As Eddie has said, the truth will come out at the trial. Nobody will entertain any action before the criminal trial is finished. The matter is currently what is known as "sub judice" (pronounced sub joodisay) which means literally "under judgement". Criminal matters take precedence over civil proceedings (which your libel action would be) and it is can be an offence to comment on, or interfere with the criminal processes before they reach completion. (This is where Contempt of Court comes in).
A libel action on your part would clearly prejudice the criminal trial and it simply would not be permitted. In my view, leaving aside the potentional costs which could be horrendous should you fail, you will simply be prolonging the stress and anxiety you have suffered. Sometimes, as hard as it may seem at the time, it is often better in the long run to swallow what has happened and move on and I think this is one of those occasions.