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Reporting A Benefit Cheat

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puternut | 00:15 Wed 15th Jun 2016 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
After a great deal of soul searching I am 95% sure I should report a neighbour (& friend) for benfit fraud.

I won't go int ]o the details but I'm really asking if you would do it anonymously or giving the benefits office your name & ddress? I would hope that this would not be revealed to the cheater but feel I would like to know the outcome of their investigations to see if my assumptins are wildly wrong or nearer the truth.

Can any one admit to doing this and the outcome

Many thanks


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I would think you can do it anon but I very much doubt they'd update you.

Would they suspect it might have been you who reported them?
I don't think you find out the results of their investigations - can you imagine how much extra work that would cause?

I would provide my name and address if I was sure that they were benefit cheats after all what have you to hide?
No I wouldn't report it if it was my friend. I'd have a talk with them and perhaps point out that if I know this then others must also so he/she is treading in dangerous waters.
My local paper publishes a list of prosecutions each month.
Yes Ummm as do most government departments now it is seen as a warning to others - but in my experience they don't tell the person who reported it.
an informant will NEVER be told advice to you is say may think you know the facts ...and you have to live with a neighbour...a friend makes for a good enemy when crossed.... I speak as ex ben manager who has been involved in many such cases where the so called informed informant WAS wildy wrong !!
As said you will not be informed of what happens. You will just have to hope the local paper reports it.
2 neighbours of mine are at loggerheads.
One reported the other for benefit fraud, what the reporter didn't know is the reported one was leaving house at same time each day to care for her sister.
All was above board
If you do give your details they will never be revealed to the person investigated, but it may make your information more 'believable'. They may get back to you to ask for more information but not to tell you what the results were.
I think you can also report them via 'Crimestoppers' web site if you don't want to go direct to the DWP.
however...if a case goes to court..your identity WILL be revealed !
You can report it to crimestoppers on-line
You can opt for '2 way communication' so that they can ask for more information or you can update them. You get a code name they do not need or want your real name.
murraymints Sorry you are WRONG . The identity of the informant is NEVER revealed. The only information revealed is the result of the investigations, they DO NOT reveal why the investigation was started !!
Revealing the ID of informants would defeat the entire object of the scheme.
if you give information and supply your identity you will be called to any court case....
Surely not. That could cause all sorts of trouble.
indeed.but unless you are anonymous you are required to give evidence in any court proceedings
Why? The person reporting wouldn't have any real details, it's mainly suspicions and it's down to the benefits office to find evidence.
I would report them. They are claiming fraudulently and should be treated no differently to you finding out a stranger was doing it.

I would also do it anon as there are slip ups and information gets into the wrong hands.

If they are a friend you will probably find out they have been found out by their attitude or something.

All too often we don't do anything about this sort of thing and kick ourselves later.

if they've got a new bentley on the drive they've probably won the lottery
is she's your friend, she will tell you what's happening, won't she?
^If she's

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