If a solicitors firm is recovering a debt for its client by enforcing a charge on a property and the debtor is responsible for that firm's costs, can that firm charge what look like excessive legal fees (£17,000 in 7 months - since October last year)? Can the debtor - who wants to repay the debtor when the house is sold in 5 days from now - challenge those fees - without delaying completion of the house sale and repaying the debtor? In other words, can the solicitor fees remain unpaid until they have been checked to see if they are reasonable?
Ask for a breakdown of the fees - does it include court costs, interest and legal fees for the other side?
You can challenge the fees after they have been paid. If you delay the sale your fees will continue to mount up.
Bednobs - no, Firm A acts for creditor - the 'firm recovering a debt for its client'. The 'debtor is responsible for that firm's costs' -i.e. for his own (Firm B) firm's costs and also for Firm A's costs.