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A Number Of Pubs In Belfast Have Been Granted Licenses To...

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sandyRoe | 12:07 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
23 Answers

...stay open until 2 in the morning.

Most drinkers wouldn't have the capacity, or the money, for a lengthy boozing session so will probably go out later in the evening.

Have the publicans made a mistake?



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No, but you have.  What they have been granted are licences

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I'm mortified.

I'll ask that this thread is removed.

Quite right!

Pre-loading then charging up the street for a dance and a kebab has done nothing but harm in my country.

Especially when, locally, high street food establishments have to close at 1.00am leaving drunks and ne-erdowells to the 'drive-thru' 24 hour obesity stations.

Yes not sure why they haven't got 24 hour licences anyway. One of the few good things Blair ever did.

Most of the battle cruisers round here have 24 hour licences just gives them the option to open when they like.

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Pedant!  ;-)

Every day & permanently or for a special occasion? link?

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One of the pubs in question is in a middle-class residential area.


I can imagine what the neighbours will think of the late drinking hours.

"No noise concerns." I remember when there was always lots of 'noise' in Belfast, Sandy 😉

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Thankfully, that's pretty much a thing of the past unless you're an outsider running a restaurant or a retail outlet.

Just because the licence extends to 2am does not mean they will be open until then,it just means if they have a special event on they won't have to apply for an extension. We have a licence until 1 am but often close at 10 during the week as there are no customers in. 

The only 2 watering holes we were allowed in when off duty in Belfast were the Bodega Bar and, weirdly, the Europa Hotel - the most bombed hotel in the world - 36 bomb attacks!

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The Bodega in Calendar St was safe inside the security barriers.

The Europa was a prestigious target for the bombers.  Lots of spectacular shots of glass falling.

It's good that such sights are mostly things of the past.

The Europa was a prestigious target for the bombers. 

The Europa was voted " the most bombed Hotel in Europe" - early seventies ( 5, I think)


even had a bomb type named after it - (photoelectric trigger or trembler to kill the bomb disposal men) - and no I havent googled this.

Licences are lissive /  permissive - you CAN open those hours, but dont have  to if it is uneconomic

oops shudduv: And whilst it is known as the world's most bombed hotel, having been targeted 33 times between 1970 and 1994,

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I think one of the first bombs aimed to target the ATO tasked to disarm it was the Ballyrobin one.

Terrible times and now happily fading into history.

One of them wrote an auto-biog.

apparently they had a line where you cd ring up with anything. One set piece involved "The geese of Rome" - who honked when danger threatened and they deduced a sound anti handling trigger. Phew

incredz -  I have made it to the fourth day of a holiday without being suspended

Yes !

Drink is the curse of the working class.....They can't afford it.

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