Good Morning Thursday Birds! in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Good Morning Thursday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:51 Thu 12th Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
5 Answers

Well, looks like we're having every weather this week as today is thick fog! Rarely see that here tbh, not sure why . Loads to catch up on today that I didn't manage yesterday. Don't know where the time went - before I knew it it was evening time!  Need to look into inflatable beds today as middle son is apparently coming to visit 1st week in January and need beds for  2 and a 4 yr old. Am sure there must a pretty good choice somewhere. If he actually turns up it will be a miracle but we shall see lol!

So does anyone else have this fog , or can see see sky!?

And what's on everyone's Thursday  agendas? 


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Good Morning, clear dry and cold here.

I can recommend this air mattress, have slept on it at my brothers. Not the cheapest but is on special offer and packs away for when you need it again

Amazon.co.uk User Recommendationref=sr_1_3?crid=2332MYTDJ4M6D&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CDOMk4PP2jOmJbMFIultN-JcgZajl7kNpOpGye79eOKhHL_GgmYrjgB2S2h-94FwPxJvFegIaNF5Ob2D9GPsprxKcgDzHw0E1S3Rcf5wY-K8_k_LeJia5UUxIRqRRT6QBBc460ZVvjOPRHliDciUzQvvyf6M9gXdr_BbgqB_8M5A3kx5Pw75bvedz1nuDKIU0H04GWgzdbd1Afk_tK8KRFoCiEFBfqNYp2nosxaREog.OSO4N2vl0Gi60wtGcrTGfsOwDfWIU2V1XglOO9WNDPA&dib_tag=se&keywords=inflatable%2Bmattress&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1733993925&sprefix=inflat%2Caps%2C110&sr=8-3&th=1

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Morning DDIL. that looks comfy! Thanks for that - will have a look x

Good morning Smow. What I call mizzly here, light fine rain and overcast skies. Going to have my hair cut this afternoon, before the xmas rush, and gives it a chance to not look so "shorn" at xmas. Might look for a small xmas tree while I am out as the old artificial stand by is looking a bit tatty. OH has said he fancies a real one but I remember the days of needles everywhere!

Morning folks! xx

Day 3 of grey sky, had 2 days of hardly seeing houses across the road, which was an ice rink yesterday. Have decided I really am not a fan of winter.

Son and dil get the keys to their flat tomorrow, will miss them (again) but they're moving closer this time :)

First time was into a semifurnished flat, then owner was selling so they moved back for a while, 18 months lol

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Morning calda. We always have a real tree - seem to be lucky as the pines aren't really a problem until the day you have to take it down.  But last week I read a tip which said that if you're putting a real tree up and putting it in a stand with water then use hot and not cold water. Apparently even tho the tree is dead, the hot water releases all the sap in the trunk which then travels down the branches and sets again when cold, stopping the pines dropping as easily. Not sure how true this is tho lol.

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