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Gas Meter Readings?

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piggynose | 17:11 Thu 26th Dec 2024 | Business & Finance
6 Answers

How do i go about submitting these readings to British Gas. I am a landlord, and was told i was supposed to submit the current readings to British Gas after my tenant left. I have had a look at their website and i seem to be going around in circles!!




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Probably not found the right menu option. Somewhere there'll be something about a single payment or a card payment. You may have to see the help page first, maybe.

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18.12 chris, i tried filling that form in earlier but it wouldn´t accept my spanish mobile number!!!

piggy; are you able to read the meter, but can't find out how to submit it?

take the readings ( tomorrow) and ring on their human chat line

I can remember if BG is one of the firms where the clerks say, "and you would like to clear this account" = amphatic no - you are only liable for gas consumed, and ya didnt consume any at that address

Yes I have been there

Spannith mobile - oh gawd !

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Gas Meter Readings?

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