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Working hours

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Snappy | 14:57 Thu 15th Mar 2007 | Civil
4 Answers
Im having my hours cut at work at the min, im contracted to 27.5 hours per week. There's a part on the contract saying the company reserves the right to vary working hours in accordance with the needs of the business. (i work for a small business, 9staff) My mam doesnt think this is legal, can anyone help?


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The same happened at my work when our funding was cut. We all had to reapply for our jobs. Luckily we were able to negotiate to share all the hours available and, although we are still on reduced hours, at least we've still got jobs - several staff had to take redundancy.

You can always check with ACAS on their website re legalities on any work-related subject.

Good luck.
I think if it was written in your contract that the company has the right to vary your working hours, there is little you can do, especially if this has been caused by a downturn in business. Probably the only alternative would be to make staff redundant, which would be even more unacceptable
Your employer has to consult you about the cut in your hours

You can call the Acas helpline on 08457 47 47 47 or visit
Not if it says in the contract that it is part of the contract.

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