I owned my house then my sister and neice came to live with me when her marriage broke up. Her name was put on the mortgage and the deeds through a solicitor, didn't cost much.
When I married and moved into my husband's house I took my name off the deeds and mortgage so now my sister owns the house (she did give me money for my share).
This was done about 6 or 7 years ago snd as far as I know there were no tax implications.
yes that information was helpful. So you were able to transfer the Deeds across without actually having a copy of the original Deed? Because in this case you see we dont have a mortgage on the property. So if we dont have the Deeds I gather this can still be done by obtaining a copy of the deed from the Land Registry Offices. I guess also in this case its not a matter of tax implications because it wont be like inheritance as you were then both joint owners for a while.