When i was a child i wasnt even allowed to push my pram on a sunday because it spueaked and might annoy people. I remember sitting on the pavement outside my house and being mowed down by a bike (ie there wernt many cars then).
When i learnt to ride a bike about 9 years old it wasnt just on a road but going up a hill. Now i have tinitus and if i hear a noise it is normally on the opposite side, so if i jumped l would jump the wrong way and your children could knock me down. In the park , on the paths , the cyclists think that you should get out of their way, old and young alike instead of going around you as they overtake. Also on the pavements, they come from behind you and you dont hear them coming. When i cycle behind people where i shouldnt alley ways etc., i go slow just in case sombody is near and if so and if they havnt heard me and turned around, then i get off my bike and say excuse me please, thankyou very much. Doesnt hurt to be polite.