Private Way
I have a question about a private way that was built by my husband, we are the only house with frontage, and the road is 22 feet wide that includes berms. At the very end of our street there are two abutters, one no problem, the other major problems. I am about 200 feed up the street. This private way is a dead end to my house and there are no buildable lots. The abutter on the end of the way with no frontage and has a 3 car driveway and the entrie front of her house to park on wants to park on the Way. I have many photos showing how she has restricted and blocked my entrance for an emergency vehical. The town has agreed for us to post signs of tow, I know she owns rights into the center of the road of access and I would never deny that, but so does the other abutter, and parking could cause only my famiily harm, does anyone know about my rights, I will be seeing a Lawyer Friday, but would appreciate any help.