Firslty let me offer my condolences,not a nice thing to go through at anytime.
One other thing to consider is, has your employer ever let any employee a day off for a funeral? if he has then they would be showing discrimination ( just a thought) i would be checking your conract of employment and also job description, as these will state holiday entitlement and the like. it seems a bit harsh but some employers are like that, its hard to give a definitive answer when we dont know how you are employed. the law at work 2007 states "leave for URGENT FAMILY REASONS gives employees the right to reasonable unpaid time to deal with family emergencies involving, parents, children,a spouse or co habitee or anyone who looks to the employee for assistance. There is no qualifying period of service for emergency leave. A family emrgency is defined as sickness,accident,criminal injury,death,funerals,absence of the carer for a family member or serious problems at the childs school" so unless your employer has a proper procedure for funerals then it doesnt look good.