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Thank-you for your kind reply Sir.
Regarding my brother's ex wife, that's sadly another story, shortly after they split up, she was killed in an accident in Africa when a jeep she was in left the road, she had brain injuries that were not treated fast enough, a sad end to a 31 yr old woman and a wife of 10yrs.
I might add that it was my brothers wife who decided to call it a day, not my brother...Being a military wife is not the life for everyone...
Moving on, I understand that the Isle of Man is a tax haven, in that sense I think I am right in saying that various tax breaks are possible if you bank there.
As a commercial diver, my brother who earn's a 6 figure salery every year pays a higher rate of income tax than most of us, so I think over the years the taxman has has his fair share.
He doe's a lot of voluntary work overseas, and was part of a team who went back to Africa and installed a water puriification plants in several out lying villages.
Whilst there he saw the place where the accident happened, and erected a stone monument to her memory.
My brother is a very rare breed, the type that puts others first, and would quite easyly just give his money to a needy charity. In fact I imagine that he will invest this windfall in some water or food project somewhere in the world.
Perhaps there is a god up there looking down....who knows, but one thing I have learnt, if you give, then one day you might get that back.