I have asked for advice before about this relationship. I have now met with my ex and we have said we will take things slowly. He sees a girl but is in the process of ending it with her. Recently we made love again and it was as wonderful as ever. He said he wants to take it slowly and as it was me that ended the relationship I feel I have no choice but to be patient. Since we saw each other and talked and made love his emails have also slowed down. Now I dont know wheter to contact him or wait and take things at his pace.
i agree if he really wanted to be with you he would have ended things already he is effectively seeing two people at the moment. as he is being unfaithful to his current partner how could you trust him to be faithful to you
In the process of ending it with her!!! How long is that "process" going to take i wonder. And what is the "favour" that he insists on doing ? Personally i'd walk...very quick in the opposite direction.
Believe it or not I think he is gently letting the other one down.
I met H when he was in a split from his wife -when she found out she wanted him (cos someone else did) .I went thro 3 months of being the middle person cos I knew really H loved me -she and I became friends and still are -but when push came to shove H wanted me but he had feelings for her and that makes the difference -he knew that he had to chose as I am not a fanoid and he went with me -11yrs later we sttill bicker fight love but at the end of the day I would wait - a wee while - its not easy lettihng someone down but dont be mad and leave be -if its foreverr you would. xxx I dont have a kind word to say re my H but I do love him and I would be lost without him so the glitch was worth it xxxxx
Thank you Drisgirl, I feel that too. I did not need to ask him anything about her, he volunteered all the info.
Just its been a week since I heard anything from him. Everyone says wait and let him do the contacting but I hate playing games so dont know whether I should email and ask him for an innocent coffee that way we cant get up to any naughtyness :))