A person held a fundraiser for my son and his two step sisters and step brother. All four children were named in the fundraiser, but the person that had it gave all the money to the other kids and didn't give my son a dime. That's fraud. Can someone please tell me how to deal with this, because it's bad enough that they didn't give my son his share, but it's the principle that really bothers me. Please someone give me advice on how to deal with this and what to say to the prosecutors office. Thank you, Mike's Mom
oh. I'm sorry to waste everyones time, but if by chance anyone might know the law for the U.S., I would greatly appreciate it.. Thank you everyone and have a nice day.
Sorry, but I think that you might be posting on the wrong site. You're use of 'dime', 'prosecutors office' and 'Mom' (instead of the British 'Mum') suggests that you're in the USA. This is a UK-based website; our laws and legal procedures are very different from those of the US.