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Charlie911 | 20:13 Wed 28th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Years ago my son was being bullied by a neighbours son. The kids father was an ex boxer, really quite big bloke. He was terrorizing my son so much that he would'nt go out to play. Everyone knew what this kids dad was like. Everyone was scared of him.

Then one day I'd had enough. I knocked on his door. 'What?' Is what he shouted as he opened the door. I told him if his son didn't leave my boy alone I'd give him (the kid) a hiding he wouldn't forget. (I was shaking inside...he was at least 3 stone heavier and 7" taller)
What happened next made me a bit of a local hero, because this is what happened.

He stepped out of his front door to 'give me a pasting.' I tried to hit him first BUT he slipped on the ice and knocked himself out! HOWEVER, what really happened and why there were so many witnesses to my knockout is this.

Here's the background) A bus was returning to the estate from town and was full of people. There was a high van parked outside the house 3 doors down. I went to hit him, which everyone saw, but the bus passengers view was obstructed by the van for 1/2 a second. So they didn't see him slip. I hit him once more in the face and... I was a hero. His kid never went near my boy again and Hooray, I was a hero. Even he thought I'd hit him and knocked him out!

Was I right to take the claim of 'winner'? What would you of done?


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Well done you!!!
is this for real?
One doesnt know he is a newbie...
Question Author
I swear to you Mick-Talbot that this is a tue story. I have never ever revealed the truth to anyone before, but as this happened about 20 years ago, thought I'm safe now! lol

But I repeat, I SWEAR this is a true story.
You're damn lucky he slipped on that ice...
Another newbie chased away mick?
either way it's a good tale ...
-- answer removed --
I think you were right to claim victory especially as it stopped your lad getting bullied.
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I admit that being a newbie does put me at the disadvantage. But what can I do to prevent that and why would I bother posting? I want to be on here a long long time so am not gonna ruin it by lying just to sound up myself. But of course, its up to you whether you believe me or not. But I repeat, it is a true story.
does it matter krapper? it was a nice story..
i'm very surprised an ex boxer doesn't know the difference between a slip and then knocking himself out and a punch knocking him out. Even that alone would not stop most bullies/boxers coming back for more.
he must have been lily livered.
so did the neighbour not try to salvage his rep by contradictinbg your version? Or did you kill him too?
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krapper1940: You are also a newbie so maybe you ought to at least give me a chance? I can't prove it happened now, but in reverse you can't prove it didn't. Perhaps I should stick to just answering questions until I've been on here for a couple of years?

(And no, I'm not at all ruffled - though I admit it sounds like it!! lol)
Fight! (I'll just position the van in the appropriate position)...
I told him if his son didn't leave my boy alone I'd give him (the kid) a hiding he wouldn't forget.


good job you didn't hit the kid, he would have been off school for weeks.
watch for that patch of ice too.......
Thats if he went to school..
I am waiting until we get to the point where we check what the weather was like that day 20 years ago, maybe a print off as evidence?
i think the ice was in the boxers kitchen cazzz, fell off the Xmas turkey.

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