I have applied for planning permission for 3 terraced houses on an unadopted road. There are approx 7 houses already on the road. The council insist that we have to repair the road ourselves, otherwise permission will be refused. Surely this can't be right?
well youll be causing the most damage to the road, presumably, with the builders and lorries putting it to continuous use.
Sounds fair enough to me that you should pay for a full repair once the houses are completed.
Perhaps you would be better advised in getting a legal firm to look at the case ?
They will be able to perform the requisite searches, etc. for you.
You will have to repair the road as a condition of receiving Planning Consent. There may be some mechanism by which you can defray the costs by approaching the existing residents. Of course, there may not and you'll have to stump up the cash yourself....................or not proceed with the intended project.
if you want it done and they arent bothered then you cant make them pay for what to them is unecessary work
i certainly wouldnt pay for somethign just to benefit you
Although you don't use the term, what I reckon you mean is that the local authority wants you to bring the road up to the necessary standard such that it can be adopted by them. Do not underestimate the cost of doing this - it is not simply a case of whacking a bit of tarmac down.
The council are perfectly entitled to ask for this as a condition of granting planning consent and you will most probably be expected to enter into a Section 106 legal agreement to make sure you deliver on it.
Since you will be making a planning application in order to make a shed-load of money for yourself from the planning gain on the site once it has PP (rather than to help the needy of your area to find a home), think of it as a minor offset in profit to yourself.
Welcome to the world of the property developer.
Is there anything in the deeds of the other (and yours) property about maintaning the road? As an unadopted road it will belong to someone. whether that is all the residents or an abscent owner there may still be something about it written in the deeds.
However, as has been said, the council can make it a condition of planning to make the road up to standard. If you are then able to get a share from all property owners then that is a matter entirly up to you.
Big or small developers have to do this sort of thing all the time. They have to take it into consideration when deciding on purchasing land.