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parking fine mistake on ticket??

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itsmefolks | 19:50 Wed 23rd Feb 2011 | Civil
13 Answers
I have just been given a ticket that says my car is a reliant instead of a renault! Do I have to pay or can I get off on this error?? Fingers crossed!


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Might pay to get in touch with the issuer in case the don't pick it up themselves but the ticket is void.
19:57 Wed 23rd Feb 2011
Might pay to get in touch with the issuer in case the don't pick it up themselves but the ticket is void.
is the correct registration number on the ticket?
Are you sure the ticket will be void, Coobeastie?
Does it have your registration number on it, itsmefolks? Have they got a photo?
No need to dispute it. If they come after you, ask them to check the details against the DVLA database which will show the wrong vehicle make. They can't then enforce it as there's doubt as to what vehicle it pertained to. And if you parked on private land the ticket is not a fine but an unenforceable invoice. Throw it in the bin and forget about it.
If you pay the fine before 29th April you can have the day off work
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The reg is right but not sure about photos!! I wouldnt mind but im setting up a shop in town and feeding the meter whilst trying to work as well. Thanks for the support.
I'm 99% certain that a mismatch between vehicle make recorded and information held by the dvla would result in the charge being written off. Best to query it sooner rather than later with the issuer (council?) so you don't lose out on any discount period they might have.
I am sure the ticket will be invalid. I received a parking ticket a few years ago which was wrongly dated and they cancelled it without question.
were you illegally parked?
i had a tciket with a future date on it...they just said so what they made a mistake it still stands

they often take photos these days just in case of probs
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I have received a rejection of the informal challenge. They have got my reg number on the parking ticket. Taken a picky of my vehicle, but that doesnt show my number plate on the photo! Are they calling my bluff? As far as I can see if it went to court, the details of the vehicle being wrong make the case insubmissable! Any help is appreciated.
your choice, accept that you should have had a ticket albeit one with a mistake on, or risk a court hearing and a bigger fine.
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Is anyone on this civil law forum able to give a definitive answer to the question?
My understanding of law is that if it says parking on an unbroken yellow line is illegal it means unbroken! If my vehicle is submitted in court as a Reliant, and not a Renault surely makes the case insumissable? Thanks anyone!

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parking fine mistake on ticket??

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