Criminal Damage Charge in The AnswerBank: Criminal
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Criminal Damage Charge

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Rab_Rob | 22:51 Thu 19th Jan 2012 | Criminal
4 Answers
Hi, i was out on sunday night (15th Jan 2012) and i was outside on a balcony in a pub late at night and 2 chairs and a table got trown off the balcony and me and a mate were chucked out of the pub and barred from comming back.

The next day i heard the police had got involved and they were wanting to press charges (criminal damage).

I havent been spoken to by the police yet but from what i can hear they have been taking statements and questioning folk as to what happened.

This all happened the next morning after the pub had moved the table and chairs back up to the balcony.

There is no cctv footage of me trowing the stuff but there is a statement from someone apparently saying they saw me trowing the stuff off the balcony and a statement off one of the bar staff saying they never saw me trow anything off but they thought it was me and they also said i was no trouble all night appart from when they heard of what i had done.

Can anyone enlighten me as to what this might come of?

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You will be charged with bringing the English Language into disrepute.
Basically, if your named as a suspect then the police may want to interview you (under caution) and take it from there.

Can you offer any info regarding who did throw the items?
Did you trow the items? If not, did you or anyone witness who did?
If the police have reasonable grounds to believe you did this, I would have though (depending on your back ground) you would be given a fixed penalty notice for disorder - drunk and disorderly (I assume you were drunk) or criminal damage.

But to be honest, it is slightly irresponsible to throw items off a balcony as it clearly poses a risk to people beneath, and because of this you could get a more serious penalty - which may be a caution. I would be slightly surprised if you were to go to Court but it is a possibility.

If you get a PND: no admittance of guilt, no criminal record, no conviction.

If you get a caution: admittance of guilt, criminal record, no conviction

If you get convicted in court: criminal record and conviction.

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