Just as an aside, the easiest way to get train times is often to simply send a text to 84950. You'll then get a text back almost instantly, with the information you require. You can either use full station names or, if you know them, just the three-letter codes. You can add times if needed.
So, for example, texting either 'Cambridge' or just 'CBG' will get you a list of the next departures from there, together with the platform numbers and status. (e.g. 'OK' for on time' or '+10' for 10 minutes late. Cancelled services are shown as 'CAN').
Similarly, texting 'CBG Swansea' will get you the time(s) of the next departure(s) from Cambridge to Swansea, with details of the connections involved. If you don't want to travel until after 1000 tomorrow, text 'CBG Swansea 1000'.
As a regular rail traveller I use that service several times per week and find it incredibly useful. (It does cost 25p for each incoming text but I'm, happy to pay that if it means I don't miss the last train home!).